The latest version of Progea’s most advanced SCADA and HMI software platform Movicon.NExT 4.0 has been released. The new version has further extended the platform’s scalable and flexible design, which spans from an individual HMI to a full SCADA system. The version 4.0 upgrade has also further improved Movicon.NExT’s user experience, designed to increase the speed of project development.

Distributed in the UK by Products 4 Automation (P4A), a key feature of Movicon.NExT is its scalability. It can control an individual machine by HMI, through to full supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) or manufacturing execution system (MES). Movicon.NExT’s functional scalability is matched with a cost-effective upgrade path, where the only additional cost is the difference in the extra number of tags required.
An even more scalable architecture is provided with the introduction of the new SVG Web Client technology and support for WebHMI projects. The technology can also be run on small Windows or Linux devices and can be carried out with the same Movicon.NExT 4.0 environment, meaning an extension to the flexibility of the platform, making version 4.0 the most scalable SCADA/HMI/MES product on the market.
The design of the Movicon.NExT workspace has also been updated making it more intuitive, easier to navigate and more customisable. New project wizards have been created to make development faster and easier with all main configuration parameters pre-set.
Movicon.NExT includes reporting, data logging and trending tools as standard, supported by a customisable alarm management tool, designed for monitoring factory automation systems. To access data an SQL database can be interrogated directly to allow bespoke reports can be created. Meanwhile, the web client can be accessed via phone, tablet or standard web browser for remote SCADA management.
Practical upgrades to functionality achieved through the new Movicon.NExT version 4.0 include enhanced alarm management, such as using the statistical value of a variable to generate an alarm, including the total ON time useful for managing the preventive maintenance. Historian management has also been updated with useful new functions for faster and easier data interrogation and visualisation.
The new features of Movicon.NExT 4.0 have also been supported by an increased focus on security including improved user management, as well as system performance, with driver base classes significantly increasing in speed and efficiency.
P4A supports Movicon.NExT with extensive and bespoke training and application support. IPC’s, Pixsys HMI’s, I/O and inverters are also provided to form a complete automation solution for control of single machines through to full SCADA systems.